Apr 26, 2021
Join us this week with special guest PD Newman! RJ and PD talk
about his much anticipated new book, Angels in Vermillion: The
Philosopher's Stone, From Dee to DMT. The talk gets into all things
alchemy as PD gives us a history of what could possibly be the true
'thing' the Alchemists were after and even how PD suspects the
acacia got into the Masonic ritual. Do not miss this episode!
Pick up the new book on May 19th, 2021 via the Tria Prima link below.
Disclaimer - This episode contains references to illicit
substances. Some listeners should be advised. Don't do drugs that
are illegal, and always stay safe.
Tria Prima https://triaprima.co Esotericon https://home.maesotericon.com/#page-top
The Master's Word- A Short Treatise on the Word, the Light, and
the Self - Autographed
Wilmshurst University
Get the new book! How to Charter a Lodge https://wcypodcast.com/the-shop
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