Dec 10, 2012
This week is a piece on trust, along with some poetry, history and a famous Freemason. App extras include the paper and a mobile wallpaper for your device. Thanks for listening everyone, and Happy Hanukkah!
Not sure I understand your question.
And I also would like to address the view that Freemasonry sohlud be an oasis apart from society. I do not think Freemasonry ever was meant to be a monastic experience. Do you really think Paul Revere and the original Tea Party was a fluke, a one time foray of Freemasonry into the issues of the day? Would you do away with the CHIP program that many GLs run because that is interfering in society's problems? Would you shut down Masonic scholarships for the same reason? Would you prohibit Freemasons from marching in any parades or participating in any national holiday celebrations? Would you prevent Freemasons from helping to conserve our natural resources by promoting conservation and prohibiting toxic dumping? Are Freemasons to be like Monks cloistered in a private domain and sheltered from the goings on of the outside world? Is this what your vision of Freemasonry is?