Jan 25, 2021
This week--chapter 4 of Ancient and Modern Initiation by Max
Heindel, The Ark of the Covenant. What was it? How did a voice
emanate from a cloud between two cherubim? What is the Ark
concerning the human body? Then we'll have a brand new Masonic
Minute with Illustrious Brother Harrison, as he tells us little
known facts about Brother Nat King Cole. How did he get that "King"
in the middle of his name? Why did his television show get canceled
after only two seasons? We move on with a short biographical piece
on Enrico Fermi, a Brother who is considered the "architect of the
nuclear age." When did he join Freemasonry? What were his views on
nuclear technology as a weapon? And what was his legacy for
humanity? Finally, we'll wrap it all up with a book review. Newly
published to paperback, The Better Angels of our Nature:
Freemasonry in the Civil War, by Most Worshipful Brother and Past
Grandmaster, Michael Halleran. All this and more…stay tuned!
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