Jul 29, 2013
This week we have a paper on Geometry and another shorter paper on the importance of keeping your "inner Masonic fire" alive. We also have a famous Freemason segment as usual. App extras include the paper and also a masonic wallpaper for your mobile device. Thanks for listening and have an amazing week!
Jul 22, 2013
This week is a short one, we have a paper on guarding your lodge, but not from cowans, also a famous Freemason segment. App extras are the paper via PDF and also a wallpaper for your mobile device! Have an amazing week everyone and thanks for listening!
Jul 15, 2013
This week we open on some news, then we move into a great paper on the definition of Freemasonry, we have a bit of chat on the origins of the Craft and finally wrap it up with a famous Freemason segment. App extras are a mobile wallpaper and the paper we read. Thanks for listening!
Jul 8, 2013
Join us this week for our 100th episode with Chris Hodapp, some poetry and of course a famous Freemason! Thanks for helping us reach this huge milestone!
Jul 1, 2013
This week, I talk a bit about my recent travels, we have a great lecture by Bro. James E Frey on St. John's Day, some information on another contributor to the Midnight Freemasons and top it off with the famous Freemason segment. Thanks for listening everyone and have a great week!