Aug 26, 2013
This week is the week you have been waiting for! I was able to sit down with Todd E. Creason, the original Midnight Freemason and author of the Famous American Freemason series, A Freemason Said That? and of course his soon to be trilogy of Levi Garvey books; One Last Shot, A Shot After Midnight and the upcoming and...
Aug 19, 2013
This week we have a bunch of news, a great paper and a special famous Freemason segment. App extras include the paper we read via PDF and a masonic wallpaper exclusive by Brother Juan Sepulveda! Have a super week. Thanks for listneing!
Aug 12, 2013
This week we have some corespondances as well as a piece from the Knight Templar Magazine, we finish it up with the famous Freemason of the week. App extras are a new masonic wallpaper and the entire issue of Knight Templar we read from. Thanks for listening and have ana amazing week!
Aug 5, 2013
This week we have 2 great articles as well as some news and a famous Freemason! App extras include one of the papers we read as well as a Masonic wallpaper for your mobile device. Thanks for listening and be safe this week!