Jan 26, 2015
This week we dive into some serious symbolism as we discuss the Masonic Altar. Bro. Matt is still preparing the next Esoteric Freemason Minute, so I fill in this week with a reading from Manly P. Hall and we wrap it up with a great famous Freemason. App extras are a wallpaper for you mobile device and the paper we...
Jan 19, 2015
Join us this week for a paper about one of the most recognizable, if not the most recognizable symbols in our craft. We wrap it up this week with a famous Freemason that everyone might not know, but I guarantee you've seen what makes him famous. App extras are the paper we read as well as Masonic wallpaper for your...
Jan 12, 2015
Join us this week for our first episode of the new year! In this weeks episode, we introduce a new segment, "The Esoteric Freemason Minute" hosted by Bro. Matt Chojnacki! I know you will all enjoy, especially if you're a lover of philosophy and the deeper teachings of our craft! We also have a paper for you. App extras...