Aug 26, 2019
What happens when the man at the top of the organization is as
Mystic as you can get? A true adept? We lost a great man when Henry
C. Clausen transitioned. Once Grand Commander of the AASR SJ, he
ran a series of videos and the like explaining things to a world at
large and the Brothers within the ranks of the Scottish...
Aug 19, 2019
This week we're reading a piece from the former Edu chair of IL. In it, he lays out a radical plan for Grand Lodge Administrators and officers to adhere to. We also have Ill. Bro. Harrison who joins us for another fantastic Masonic Minute! We wrap with an introductory piece on Esoterica in Freemasonry. App extras...
Aug 12, 2019
Join us as we explore an ancient tale of an ALMOST execution. In
addition, we have a wonderful piece from Todd E. Creason on
Kindness. We wrap with a solemn note this week and say goodbye to
our friend and Brother, Chris Tilley. App extras include the pieces
we read on the show. Thanks for listening and have an...
Aug 5, 2019
This week we have an awesome interview with Patrick Dey of the
Rocky Mountain Mason Magazine! In addition, Ill. Bro Harrison gives
us his nomination for Mason of the Century. You don't want to miss
this episode! Thanks for listening and have a great week!